1.Speeding Blonde
One day this cop pulls over a blonde for speeding. The cop gets out of his car and asks the blonde for her license. ''You cops should get it together....
2.Best Kept Secret
At a dinner party, several of the guests were arguing whether men or women were more trustworthy. 'No woman,' said one man, scornfully, 'can keep a se...
3.Blondes At The Lake
Two blondes are on opposite sides of a lake. One blonde yells to the other, How do you get to the other side? You are on the other side, the other blo...
4.Blonde Cop
A blonde woman was speeding down the road in her little red sports car and was pulled over by a woman police officer (also a blonde). The cop asked to...
5.Leaving Early
Three women all worked in the same office, with the same female boss. Each day they noticed that the boss would leave work early. One day, the women d...
6.Following The Track
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are trapped in a forest. One day the brunette goes out hunting. She comes back and has a big dead deer. The blonde ...
7.Blonde Kidnapper
Once upon a time when a Blonde was hard up for money, she decided to kidnap a child. So the next day she goes to a nearby playground and when nobody i...
8.blonde swimmer
There was a blonde, a brunette, a red-head and a bald woman stuck on a desert island. The brunette decided to swim home, but got 1/3 of the way there ...
9.Two horses
Two blondes went to the market. While they were there, they each bought a horse. When they got home, they discussed how to tell their horses apart. Th...
10.Make it Off the Island
There were three people stranded on an island, a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde. The brunette looked over the water to the mainland and estimated a...