Joe Powell-Main, differently abled dancer Whats really cool is that Im on wheels. So, you can change direction and you can have different ways of trav...
Lisa Allison, Guide Dogs Volunteer Puppy Raiser Are you my little star? 丽莎艾莉森 导盲犬志愿饲养员 你是不是我的乖狗狗? Meet Archie and his puppy rai...
空气炸锅是一种越来越受人欢迎的小家电。这种电器不仅能加快烹饪速度,还有多种功能,但它能取代传统的烤箱吗? For many time-poor, health-conscious people, ...
说到室内设计,你是更注重舒适感还是外观?不论是家具装饰的摆放位置、装修材料的色彩和纹理,还是灯光的选配,都会影响居住者的心情。 Our environments can af...
5.thing used as a means for fame and position 敲门砖
敲门砖,字面意思指拣来敲门、门开后即被丢弃的砖头(brick picked up to knock on the door and thrown away when it has served its purpose)。常用来比喻世人...
6.work or money goes down the drain 打水漂
打水漂,原本指一种投掷石子的大众游戏,即将扁平石子沿水面水平飞出,石片碰到水面后向前弹跳数次(throw a flat stone horizontally over water so that it to...
7.do things insignificant or trivial 跑龙套
龙套是传统戏曲角色行当(type of roles in traditional Chinese operas),指跟班、随从、兵卒等小角色(actor playing a walk-on part [e.g. attendant or sol...
8.let the cat out of the bag 露马脚
露马脚是一个汉语词语,字面意思是show ones hoof,用于比喻不小心暴露了隐藏的真相(to reveal a hidden truth carelessly or by mistake),或现原形(give on...
9.throw mud at somebody 泼脏水
泼脏水,字面意思splash dirty water,泛指对人造谣污蔑,刻意中伤(slander),与英文习语hurl/throw/sling mud at somebody意思相近,表示to say insulting or...
新试验发现首个减缓阿尔茨海默病对患者大脑损伤的药物,这个名为 lecanemab 的药物 意义重大。这项试验的结果为此领域几十年的高失败率画上句号,并表明用药物治...