This new Barbie doll with hearing aids is part of toy manufacturer Mattels drive to make the dolls more inclusive. 这款戴助听器的新芭比娃娃是玩具制造商...
What better way to cool off than going for a dip? 还有什么比游个泳更好的解暑方法呢? But what if you combine it with playing chess? 如果把游泳和下棋结...
3.冰岛一座火山喷发 游客前来观赏
This volcano in Iceland has erupted spewing red-hot lava and plumes into the air. 冰岛这座火山喷发,向空中涌射出赤热的熔岩和烟雾。 Its located less th...
The female anatomy, in all its minute and precise detail something thats been largely missing from medical textbooks and teaching over the centuries. ...
High up in the Swiss Alps, 31 daredevils have been competing at the first ever highline world championships. 在瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉的高处,31名勇士参加了首...
The face of Vincent Van Gogh emerges from the past. 文森特梵高的面容历经岁月,重见天日。 The portrait is hidden on the back of a painting held in Edin...
This is the worlds largest exoskeleton mech suit. 这是世界上最大的外骨骼 机械服。 The three-metre-tall robotic metal skeleton has four legs. 这个三米高...
This chimpanzee is about to send a message. 这头黑猩猩马上就要发送一个信息。 The drumming can travel 1km through the jungle. 敲打声可以在丛林中传播一公...
This is Zeus the lemur, a busy dad of eight newborn babies. 狐猴 宙斯 是个忙碌的爸爸,它的八只狐猴宝宝刚刚降生。 The rare ring-tailed lemur has father...
10.pay for all the items in the cart 清空购物车
这句话可不是说把购物车的东西都删掉,而是把购物车里的商品都买下。所以它的英文自然也有了,那就是pay for all the items in the cart。 例句: You can now u...