1) a big time:尽兴,高兴的时刻 e.g. I had a big time there. the big time:第一流,最高级 e.g. Dont worry, you are in the big time now. 2) according t...
You need to do either the General IELTS exam or the Academic IELTS exam. But whats the difference, anyway? The difference is in the Reading and Writin...
Describe someone in your family who you like. You should say: How this person is related to you What this person looks like What kind of person he/she...
Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing. You should say: What kind of sport it is Who you play it with Where you play it and explain why you enjoy ...
FAMILY Describe your family? Do you have a large or small family? How much time do you spend with your family? What do you like to do together as a fa...
雅思听力考试共有4个片段,考生们需要根据片段的内容回答相应的问题。那么雅思听力的七大题型都有哪些? 题型一 完成填表/记笔记/流程图/总结考生需对听力材料部分...
同学们是不是总是有这样的疑问,我的雅思写作明明练了这么多遍了,为什么分数还是提不上去呢?因为你犯了99%的雅思考生都会犯的低级错误。 一:滥用大词,忽视语言准...
雅思写作高分句型之一:定语从句 这应该算是写作中最常用的一种句型之一。适当地运用定语从句可以给你的文章增色不少。 例如,下面的这两个句子用上定语从句马上...
9.雅思写作短语积累:A People Person
1. face the music 关于这个短语的来源有不同的故事版本,话说以前当一个士兵做错有违军规的事而被逐出军队时,他的离开会伴随着鼓声,所以face the music就有一...
10.雅思词汇 Susceptible
1.susceptible /sseptbl/ adj.易受影响的 英译:being easily affected by somebody or something else 例句:The newly developed crop is less susceptible to...