CATTI考试文化类词汇 中

时间:2015-09-15 06:12:54


文化创新 cultural innovation
文化事业 cultural undertakings
文化视点 cultural perspective
文化需求 cultural needs
文化摇篮 cradle of culture
文化遗迹 cultural relics
文化重建 cultural reconstruction
文化自觉 cultural awareness
天干地支 Heavenly Stems and Earthy Branches
天人合一 unity of man and nature
天下为公 the world or country for all
文化宝藏 cultural treasures
文化产业 cultural industry
农耕文化 farming culture
善养浩气 skillful in nourishing virtual force
慎言敏行 diligent in duties and careful in speech
十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac
思维方式 the way of thinking
八股文 eight-legged; official stereotyped writing
本命年 one's animal year
道德观 moral outlook
端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
翰林院 Imperial Academy
和为贵 harmony is most precious
礼之本 essence of the rites
年夜饭 family reunion dinner
仁之本 the foundation of harmony
文化界 cultural circles
孝与敬 filial piety and reverence
红包 red envelope/money given to children as a lunar New Year gift
中山装 Chinese tunic suit/Mao suit
重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival
敬老慈幼 respect the old and love the young
孔孟之道 Confucius-Mencius doctrines
孔子学院 Confucius Institute
礼乐文化 rites and music culture
礼仪之邦 a land of ceremony and decorum
礼义廉耻 Courtesy, Justice, Integrity and Sense of Shame
龙的传人 the generation of dragon

