A Bear and a Rabbit in the Woods

时间:2015-06-23 05:32:55


A bear is chasing a rabbit through a forest. They find a bottle and decide to rub it. 
A genie1 pops out. He says "I will grant each of you three wishes.
"The bear says "I wish all the bears in the forest were females." *poof* It's done.
The rabbit says "I wish for a motorcycle." *poof* It's done.
The bear says "I wish all the bears in this country were females." *poof* It's done.
The rabbit says "I wish for a lifetime supply of carrots back at my house." *poof* It's done.
The bear is thinking to himself "why is the rabbit wasting his wishes on stupid small things? oh well." "And for my third wish, I wish that all the bears in the world were female." *poof* It's done.
The rabbit says "For MY last wish, I want the bear to be gay." And he rides off on his motorcycle.



1 genie xstzLd     
  • Now the genie of his darkest and weakest side was speaking.他心灵中最阴暗最软弱的部分有一个精灵在说话。
  • He had to turn to the Genie of the Ring for help.他不得不向戒指神求助。
