A new report examining the relationship between colored napkins and the flavor of food found that color is a powerful contributor.
The report reveals which colors pair best with which dishes to help give your dinners that extra bit of flavor.
Napkin brand Tork partnered with Swedish food stylist and chef, Linda Lundgren, who paired dishes with a range of colored napkins.
She told trade magazine The
Caterer1: 'How do you make a strawberry mousse sweeter and richer-tasting? The answer isn't more strawberries and sugar.
'Instead, try serving the dish with a coral pink napkin.
'The color actually increases the perception of sweetness and decreases bitterness, making it perfect for desserts.'
The experiments found that aqua blue napkins enhance the flavor of eggs and Indian food.
This is because it brings out orange and yellow as contrast colors and makes the dishes seem less salty, Ms Lundgren said.
Coral pink helps to decrease the bitterness of dishes like grapefruit and makes meals taste sweeter, while pink or rose red work best with desserts.
Mustard yellow helps to improve the flavor of green dish such as
sprouts2 and salads, as well as
tart3 flavors including fish and sea food.
Anthracite grey helps to contrast the tones of
lighter4 colored table settings and meals, meaning grey napkins give
Mediterranean5 food a richer taste.