
时间:2021-09-03 05:49:32


01 What do you call a deer with no eye?
(没有眼睛的鹿 是什么鹿)
No eye deer (No idea).
叫 无眼鹿(不知道)
02 What did a late tomato say to other tomatoes?
I will ketchup1 (catch up).
(ketchup 蕃茄酱)
03 —I only know 25 letters of the alphabet.
—I don't know Y (why)
04 What do you call a bee from America?
A USB (US bee).
05 How do we count cows?
With a Cowculator (calculator).
(calculator 计算器)
06 Which is faster, hot or cold?
Hot. Because you can catch a cold.
(热更快,因为你能追上冷/会感冒 catch a cold)
07 Why is "dark" is spelled with a "k" not a "c"?
(为什么dark不能写成 “darc”)
Because you can't c (see) in the dark.
08 Why shouldn't we give Elsa a balloon?
Because she will Let It Go.
(“Let It Go”: 电影Frozen的主题曲)
09 What did my dog say when I asked him the answer for two minus two?
He said nothing.
(他什么也没说 / 他说什么也没有)
10 Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?
Mom is close, because dad is farther2.



1 ketchup B3DxX     
  • There's a spot of ketchup on the tablecloth.桌布上有一点番茄酱的渍斑。
  • Could I have some ketchup and napkins,please?请给我一些番茄酱和纸手巾?
2 farther olHxM     
  • I can throw the ball farther than you can.这个球我能比你扔得远。
  • The farther hill is five kilometres away.那座更远的小山在五公里以外。
