
时间:2022-12-06 03:31:54


口语交流中,有些元音会被弱化成 “非重读央元音” /Ə/。比如:
1. 冠词 “a”、“an”,介词 “to”、“of” 等语法词:
A cup of tea → /Ə/ cup /Ə/ tea
I'll talk to him later → I'll talk /tƏ/ him later
What an odd1 thing to say → What /Ən/ odd thing to say
2. 助动词 “have”:
You should have told me, I would have helped. → You /ˈʃʊd·ə/ told me, I /ˈwʊd·ə/ helped.
I could have done that → I /ˈkʊd·ə/ done that
3. 搭配 “going to” 和 “want to”: 
I'm going to go there and check → I'm /ˈɡə.nə/ go there and check
Do you want to come? → Do you /ˈwə.nə/ come?



1 odd P5szQ     
  • She looks a bit odd.I wonder what has happened to her.她的神色有些异样,不知出了什么事。
  • He's an odd character and no mistake!他的确是个怪人!
