过去的十个月里,我一直都在一家律师事务所做律师专职助理。I have been working as a
paralegal for the last 10 months in a law office.
★ paralegal[ˌpærə'li:gəl]n. 律师的专职助手
Flexibility1 should certainly rank high in this type
of job.
★ flexibility[ˌfleksə'biləti]n. 机动性,灵活性,弹性
我希望能找到一份能发挥我调查和写作技能的工作。I am looking for a job where my research
and writing skills can be used.
★ research[ri'sə:tʃ, 'ri:sə:tʃ]n. 研究,调查
老板对我所做的工作印象非常好。My boss was impressed by the work I had done.
★impress[im'pres]v. 给……留下深刻印象
我最大的满足就是在工作中取得进步。My biggest satisfaction is to make progress in the job.
★ satisfaction[ˌsætis'fækʃən]n. 满意,满足
★ progress['prəugres]n. 进步,发展
我非常清楚作为一名实验室助理应该做些什么。I know exactly what I should do as a
★ laboratory['ləbɔrətəri, læbrətɔ:ri]n. 实验室
★ assistant[ə'sistənt]n. 助理,助手
我认为助理的工作不只是执行命令。I don't think the duties of assistant are just following
★ follow['fɔləu]v. 听从,遵循
我是个从来不找借口的人。I'm a person who never tries to find excuses.
○ I've never tried to find excuses for failure or errors. 我从来不给失败或失误找借口。
★ failure['feiljə]n. 失败
★ error['erə]n. 错误,失误,过失
关于我,您想了解点什么?What would you like to know about me?
○ Anything else you'd like to know about me? 关于我,您还想了解点别的什么吗?