时间:2007-07-09 01:43:56
本捷进大法旨在为备考GMAT而苦于对其逻辑题(CR)十分怵头的考友排忧解难。 LSAT考试由四个SECTION组成,一个阅读理解,一个逻辑组题,剩下两个是逻辑单题。本 捷进大法主要讨论通过练习CRACK LSAT逻辑单题而达到CRACK GMAT逻辑题目的的理论、 方法、步骤、操作实例、注意事项等。 本来在下在复习GMAT时,对LSAT是很不屑一顾的(这样说也不对,应该叫很不以为然吧 ),不过那天有个MM拿LSAT题让我帮她看看,硬着头皮做了两套,大概100道单题,突然 发现自己对老米的逻辑思路有了更深一层的认识。再拿出GMAT笔试真题以前做错的题, 发现自己以前错得“莫名其妙(十分愚蠢)”,而不少费费从答案倒推和自己牵强附会 的“解释”也是狗P不是。于是开始猛攻LSAT逻辑单题,颇有收获。总结了一些东西,希 望对大家有用。 有的大虾说LSAT逻辑要做上N遍才能有效果,我的经验则不然。在我看来,做一道题你就 赚一道题,这也是我写这篇东西的原因。考友们不妨有时间多作,没时间少做,能做尽 量做。至于LSAT是不是破解GMAT的九阴真经、葵花宝典,我就不敢打保票了。在使用本 捷进大法的过程中,如有任何疑问或对本贴有任何意见、建议,请发电邮至 大家共同探讨。 □□□□所用复习材料□□□□ 新东方出的两本“黄皮”,第一册上面有17套题,第二册上有11套题。这两本书在新东 方各教室门口小贩那里可以买得到,叫价一般是50-60块,讲讲价或几个人合买可以便宜 到40块或更少。黄皮的字迹不大清楚,看着费劲,如觉得有必要可结合新乐敦或润舒眼 药水或高倍放大镜使用。:) (如买不到黄皮可用其替代品,如宇航出版社出的LSAT书,上有15套题,不过我不知道 是哪15套;也可与胜奇门联系订购其光盘版,没见过,大概是用黄皮扫描后存成PDF格式 的吧。) 新东方出的陈向东编的厚厚的《GRE GMAT LSAT逻辑推理》,里头有“精选”的80道LSA
T逻辑单题,并附有翻译和解释。(此书非必选项,有了黄皮可以不用买。) □□□□LSAT逻辑题型与GMAT逻辑的异同□□□□ LSAT逻辑题型及典型问法: △加强题(Which one of the following statements, if added as a premise to the argument, would make the conclusion valid / strengthen the argument?; Which one of the following, if true, would make the conclusion in the passage a l ogical conclusion?; Which one of the following is an additional piece of inf ormation that would support the conclusion?) △削弱题(Which one of the following statements, if true, most clearly underm ines / seriously weaken the conclusion / argument?; Which one of the followi ng assertions, if true, provides the most effective challenge to the author’ s conclusion?) △假设题(Which one of the following is an assumption on which the author’s argument relies?; Which one of the following most accurately states a hidden assumption that the author must make in order to advance the argument above ?; Which one of the following is a presupposition essential to the reasoning in the passage above?) △评价题(Which one of the following is the most accurate evaluation of the a uthor’s reply?; Which one of the following principles, if valid, justifies the author’s argument?; Which one of the following would it be most helpful to know in order to evaluate the argument?)