英语脑筋急转弯 Part ⅡLetters of the Alphabet

时间:2008-05-09 02:54:34


第2篇字母类 Questions: 1.Why is the letter E so sad? 字母E 为什么伤心不已? 2.Why is the letter E so important? 字母E 为什么至关重要? 3.Why are the letter Grand the letter Sin“gloves”closeto each other? 为什么说在“gloves”这个单词中字母G 和字母S 关系密切? Keys: 1.Because it’s always out of cash and always in debt. 因为它总是缺钱花,又总是债务缠身。2.Because it’s the begining of everything... 因为它是万物的开端。3.Because there is love between them... 因为它们有“爱”牵系着。 Notes: 1.out of cash 没有现款in debt 欠债3.glove/gl)v/ n.手套
