Air Guitar 空中吉他

时间:2009-06-04 00:59:20


Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil.

Helen: 大家好,我是 Helen.

Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time, but you probably won’t find in your dictionary.

Helen: 希望在今天的地道英语节目中,您能学到在书本里找不到的英语常用表达。

Neil: Do you like rock or heavy metal music, Helen?

Helen: Hmm, not really. Neil 想知道我是不是喜欢听摇滚或者是重金属音乐。摇滚还行,heavy metal 就算了吧。

Neil: Oh really, but listen to this. It’s so cool! (Loud guitar music).

Helen: What are you doing Neil? 开什么玩笑啊!你干嘛假装弹吉他,还疯狂的摇头晃脑,你弹的可是空气啊。

Neil: I’m playing air guitar.

Helen: Air guitar?

Neil: Yes, air guitar.

Helen: It’s two words: A-I-R air, and G-U-I-T-A-R guitar.


A: Shall we go to Scandals1 night club tonight?

B: No it’s metal night.

A: What’s wrong with that?

B: It’ll be full of people with leather jackets playing air guitar on the dancefloor.

Helen: Is it common to see people playing air guitar?

Neil: If you go to a nightclub and they play a song with a guitar solo2 in it you can see lots of people pretending to play along. They’re playing air guitar.

Helen: 如果你到舞厅去玩的时候, 正好放一首吉他曲,那么在场可能有很多人会扮弹奏吉他的样子,以示兴奋或为音乐所痴狂。这就是所谓的空气吉他。

Neil: Would you like an air guitar lesson, Helen?

Helen: OK. I’ll give it a try.

Neil: Just copy me. (Loud guitar music). You’re good!

Well, that’s all we have time for today on Real English. Don't forget if you want to learn lots of other useful words and expressions in English then you can log on to our BBC Learning English website.

Helen: 我们的网址是 好了,今天我们的节目就到这儿。See you next time.

Neil: Bye!



1 scandals 64571560c226735c0881a9ccfee6c1da     
丑事( scandal的名词复数 ); 流言蜚语; 闲话; 诽谤
  • Recent financial scandals have necessitated changes in parliamentary procedures. 最近的金融丑闻使得议会程序必须改革。
  • a series of sex scandals 一系列性丑闻
2 solo ywpw8     
  • Tara is currently working on a solo album.塔拉眼下正忙着制作个人专辑。
  • There's wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony.在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏。
