Tongue-Tied 语塞

时间:2009-06-04 06:11:18


Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning1 English, I'm Neil.

Feifei: 大家好,我是冯菲菲。

Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time which you might not find in your dictionary.

Feifei: 在地道英语节目当中我们给大家介绍一些在字典里查不到的新词汇新短语。 So, how was that important meeting you had to go to, Neil?

Neil: Oh it was awful!

Feifei: Oh no! Neil 去参加了一个非常重要的会议,可是他说这个会议非常糟糕!Why was it so bad?

Neil: Well, there were some of the really big bosses there and when they asked me a question I just couldn't think of what to say. I was completely tongue-tied.

Feifei: 原来是这样,在开会过程当中有人问了 Neil 一个问题,可是与会的都是一些非常重要的领导,Neil 一时紧张,什么也回答不上来了,所以他就被 tongue- tied. 舌头被系住了,语塞。这个比喻非常形象,当一个人的舌头被什么东西系住后,如果想说话可能就会比较困难了!


A: Hey, how was that date you went on with Alan? He's so sexy!

B: I know, but I was so nervous I was completely tongue-tied when he asked me anything. He must think I'm such an idiot2!

Neil: Oh no, poor her. I know how she feels.

Feifei: 这位女同胞和自己非常喜欢的男士约会,可是因为自己太紧张了,这个男士问她的问题她一个也回答不上来。她是彻底不知道该说什么了,tongue-tied。

Neil: Do you ever get tongue-tied Feifei?

Feifei: Yeah, I had a job interview recently and I just couldn't get my words out properly when they asked me questions. I was really tongue-tied. 在参加面试的时候,我一紧张想说的话全忘了。 I was tongue-tied.

Neil: I know what you mean. Sometimes I get tongue-tied when I'm on the radio.

Feifei: You're on the radio now!

Neil: Oh yeah… well… ahh… so… um… oh… I'm tongue-tied again. I can't think of what to say!

Feifei: 如果大家想学到更多英式英语的新词汇新表达,都可以登陆我们的网站 See you next time.

Neil: Bye!



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