Mate 朋友

时间:2009-06-04 07:32:13


John: Hello there, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I'm John. Fei Fei: And I'm Fei Fei. John: The English language is changing all the time, and Real English is your chance to hear the most up-to-date words. Fei Fei: 今天要学到的词语是 mate 朋友。 John: Mate is another word for friend and you would use it in a very casual and informal way. Fei Fei: Mate 这个词可以用来称呼男人或是女人,但这个词最初是男人们用来称呼他们的男性同胞的,所以有些女性朋友直到现在还没能完全接受这个称呼。 John: You normally use it when you see a friend for the first time, and when you are leaving someone. Fei Fei: Like this. Example A: Hi there. B: All right mate? A: Yeah I'm OK. B: Well I can't stay long. See you later mate, bye! Fei Fei: 当我们谈到有些动物的时候,也可以用mate这个词。动物和我们人类一样也会找到适合自己的另一半,生儿育女,共度余生。They mate for life. John: That's true, and did you know that some birds mate for life? Fei Fei: Mmm, interesting. 天鹅就会像我们人类一样在寻找到自己的另一半后会和它们共度余生。Swans will mate for life. John: Well, that's all for today. You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Look out for more Real English on our website then click on the link to Learning English. Fei Fei: 如果想听到更多的地道英语,欢迎大家登陆我们的网站 然后点击英语教学。 John: Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye bye. Fei Fei: See you next time. Bye.
