black-hole resorts 黑洞度假区

时间:2012-11-27 05:32:59


After years of creating destinations bristling1 with connective gadgets2, resorts are now trumpeting3 their unreachability heralding4 the advent5 of so-called black-hole resorts, where mobile phones and internet signals are banned, no televisions available and even alarm clocks are frowned upon.


各地旅游度假胜地在经过几年潜心经营、并装备各类信号传输设备后,突然剑锋一转,开始走信号阻断路线,开始创建“黑洞度假区”(black-hole resorts)。所谓的“黑洞度假区”就是指没有手机和网络接收信号,不配电视,甚至连闹钟都不鼓励使用的度假旅游区。


All gadgets were locked away in the resort safe and instead clients focused on themselves and those around them.




There is definitely a growing appetite out there for this kind of technology-free holidays; it's almost the 'anti-trend' or reverse of the proliferation we saw a few years ago in state of the art technology in hotel suites6 and 24/7 ever-present Wi-Fi connection.





1 bristling tSqyl     
  • "Don't you question Miz Wilkes' word,'said Archie, his beard bristling. "威尔克斯太太的话,你就不必怀疑了。 "阿尔奇说。他的胡子也翘了起来。
  • You were bristling just now. 你刚才在发毛。
2 gadgets 7239f3f3f78d7b7d8bbb906e62f300b4     
n.小机械,小器具( gadget的名词复数 )
  • Certainly. The idea is not to have a house full of gadgets. 当然。设想是房屋不再充满小配件。 来自超越目标英语 第4册
  • This meant more gadgets and more experiments. 这意味着要设计出更多的装置,做更多的实验。 来自英汉非文学 - 科学史
3 trumpeting 68cf4dbd1f99442d072d18975013a14d     
  • She is always trumpeting her son. 她总是吹嘘她儿子。
  • The wind is trumpeting, a bugle calling to charge! 风在掌号。冲锋号! 来自汉英文学 - 散文英译
4 heralding 689c5c3a0eba0f7ed29ba4b16dab3463     
v.预示( herald的现在分词 );宣布(好或重要)
  • It is the heralding of a new age of responsibilities. 那预示着一个充满责任的新时期的开始。 来自互联网
  • Streaks of faint light were rising, heralding a new day. 几道淡淡的晨曦正在升起,预示新的一天的来临。 来自互联网
5 advent iKKyo     
  • Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring. 春天来临时燕子成群飞来。
  • The advent of the Euro will redefine Europe.欧元的出现将重新定义欧洲。
6 suites 8017cd5fe5ca97b1cce12171f0797500     
n.套( suite的名词复数 );一套房间;一套家具;一套公寓
  • First he called upon all the Foreign Ministers in their hotel suites. 他首先到所有外交部长住的旅馆套间去拜访。 来自辞典例句
  • All four doors to the two reserved suites were open. 预定的两个套房的四扇门都敞开着。 来自辞典例句
