1.水瓶座 Aquarius
individualistic 个人主义 inventive 有创造才能 sarcastic 尖刻 stubborn 固执 humanitarian 充满人道主义的 intractable 难相处 aloof 高冷...
2.摩羯座 Capricorn
insightful 富有洞察力 patient 有耐心 pragmatic 务实 perfectionist 完美主义者 pessimist 悲观主义者 practical 注重实际 prudent 考虑周到 miserly 贪财吝啬...
3.射手座 Sagittarius
optimistic 乐观 adventurous 有冒险精神 independent 独立 large-hearted 仁慈 philosophical 哲思 unpredictable 让人琢磨不透 straightforward 直率 careless...
4.天蝎座 Scorpio
ambitious 野心大 focused 专注的 aggressive 强势 domineering 控制欲强 disciplined 纪律性强 vindictive 报复心强 forceful 有说服力 powerful 强大...
5.匹配度比较高的星座 下
8. Cancer and Pisces Both water signs - these two have a natural spiritual connection. The Pisces will easily ensure harmony, and these signs are high...
6.匹配度比较高的星座 上
1. Libra and Leo Both of these signs like to complement each other, and are good communicators. They both love social gatherings, and also adore roman...
Intellectually curious, honest and tolerant, those born in the Year of the Pig can be relied upon for their loyalty and often make true friends for li...
Loyal, faithful, and true, people born in the Year of the Dog make the best of friends. As such, they often inspire confidence in others and are alway...
Loyal and trustworthy, people born in the Year of the Rooster are sociable, very accomplished and usually very well-dressed. Shrewd and daring, they a...
The leading characteristic that best describes the Monkey personality is a spirit of innovation, best evoked in the West by Renaissance artist Leonard...