1. I do mind unannounced visits. 我介意的是不速之客。 2. Caution, keep clear. 小心,请让道。 3. And your next baseline test is out of my hands. 你下次...
1. The only downside is having to live in the middle of nowhere. 美中不足的是只能住在这荒郊僻壤之地。 2. But I digress. 我扯远了。 3. Not to toot my o...
1. Help yourself out of here. 自己想办法出去吧。 2. Hold your fire! 别开枪! 3. The Talisman has been bestowed. 护身符已被激活。 4. I like to make a st...
1. My alarm didnt go off. 我的闹钟没响。 2. Maybe next time, dont overextend yourself. 下次别这么不自量力了。 3. Were supposed to turn this in, right?...
1. Sorry, my bad. 抱歉,我的错。 2. Im flooded with so many memories. 无数回忆涌上心头。 3. Dont take that tone with me! 不许你用那种口气和我说话! 4. ...
1. If I didnt wear the suit, it would defeat the purpose. 不穿戴的话,就违背设计的初衷了。 2. Two thousand years, give or take. 两千年左右。 3. You co...
1. I dont have a clue what to do with them. 我完全不知道该拿它们怎么办。 2. Alright, we are clear. 好的,我们这儿搞定了。 3. Working like a dream. 搞定...
1. It is only a matter of time before he returns. 他迟早会回来的。 2. Never let your guard down. 永远不要放松警惕。 3. We caught a ride, we make some ...
1. Monarch is on the cusp of being shut down, Brooks. 帝王计划就要被叫停了,布鲁克斯。 2. We could piggyback on that operation. 只需要他们捎上我们。 3...
1. The rotten apple doesnt fall too far from the tree after all. 毕竟有其父必有其子。 2. Youre grounded. 闭门思过。/你们被禁足了。 3. So, everybody, w...