Twenty-five LEGACY IA Mr. Robinson has called to see you, sir. Ah! said Hercule Poirot. He stretched out his hand and picked up a letter from the desk...
Twenty-four POIROT EXPLAINS IMrs. Upjohn, wandering through the corridors of Meadowbank School, forgot the exciting sceneshe had just been through. Sh...
Twenty-three SHOWDOWN IIn one of the smaller classrooms Miss Bulstrode looked at the assembled people. All the membersof her staff were there: Miss Ch...
Twenty-two INCIDENT IN ANATOLIA Mrs. Upjohn was sitting by the side of the road overlooking a deep ravine. She was talking partlyin French and partly ...
Twenty-one GATHERING THREADS II want to talk to you, Eileen, said Miss Bulstrode. Eileen Rich followed Miss Bulstrode into the latters sitting room. M...
Twenty CONVERSATION WellI dont know what to say, said Mrs. Sutcliffe. Really I dont know what to say She looked with definite distaste at Hercule Poir...
Nineteen CONSULTATION CONTINUED ITwo murders at Meadowbank, repeated Poirot thoughtfully. Weve given you the facts, said Kelsey. If youve any ideas Wh...
Eighteen CONSULTATION IHercule Poirot had prepared himself to beat down an insular prejudice that a headmistress mighthave against aged foreigners wit...
Seventeen ALADDINS CAVE IThe girls went up to bed that night more quietly than usual. For one thing their numbers weremuch depleted. At least thirty o...
Sixteen RIDDLE OF THE SPORTS PAVILION IMy head is bloody but unbowed, said Adam to himself. He was looking at Miss Bulstrode. He had never, he thought...