1.sneak peek 先睹为快
搭配 sneak peek 的意思是 偷偷地快速看一眼 或 在正式展示给其他人前看某样东西,如电影或电视剧。Sneak peek 常与动词 have 和介词 of 搭配使用,即 have a sn...
2.as far as the eye can see 眼到之处,一望无际
搭配 as far as the eye can see 的意思是 某事物填满了视野,直到看不见,可以用来描述事物 一望无际 或 广袤无边。 例句 From the top of the mountain, there...
3.can't stand the sight of 见不得,受不了
表达 cant stand the sight of someone or something 的意思是 非常受不了某人或某物,看着就讨厌。 例句 I cant stand the sight of our old sofa. Its so ugly...
4.lose sight of something 忽视,遗忘
搭配 lose sight of something 的意思是 忽略、遗忘做某件事情,而忽略的原因多是因为对其它事情想得太多。 例句 Weve lost sight of what we set out to achiev...
5.eyes like saucers 瞪圆双眼
我们用表达 someones eyes are like saucers 来描述 某人因为对某件事情感到惊叹或震惊,眼睛瞪得像碟子一样滚圆。 例句 My sons eyes were like saucers when h...
6.only have eyes for someone 眼里只有某人
搭配 only have eyes for someone 的意思是 只关注某人,只被某人吸引。人们也用它来表达 喜欢或爱着某人,对其他人不感兴趣。 例句 I told my boyfriend I only...
7.take the long view 着眼长远
短语 take the long view 的意思是 从长远的角度看,考虑某件事情的长期影响,而不只是现在发生的事情。 例句 To assess whether the business has been success...
8.a sorry sight 悲惨的景象,惨相
短语 a sorry sight 可以用来形容人或物。形容人时,它多表达 一副惨兮兮的样子,一副可怜相;形容物时,它指 悲惨的景象,糟糕的状况。 例句 After her hike in...
9.shine through 大放异彩
短语 shine through 用来表示 某人在做一件事情时,其天赋、技能或能力得以展现出来,大放异彩。 例句 His football skills shone through from an early age no...
10.out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不念
英语表达 out of sight, out of mind 相对应的汉语表达是 眼不见,心不念,意思就是 因为看不见,听不见,所以也就不去想了。 例句 Since Roy started working a...