
时间:2021-10-02 14:17:45


1. My flatmate is very good. The dishwasher is broken so every night he does the ______.
a) washing down
b) washing over
c) washing up
d) washing on
2. I'm very lazy. In the morning I never ______.
a) do my bed
b) have my bed
c) arrange my bed
d) make my bed
3. The living room's a mess. We really need to ______.
a) tidy up
b) sort up
c) arrange up
d) make up
4. All the little household jobs we find uninteresting can be called ______.
a) bores
b) works
c) chores
d) tediums
5. I don't mind having shirts with creases1 because I hate ______ my clothes.
a) ironing
b) flattening2
c) squashing
d) sorting
6. I can hardly see the TV screen! When was the last time you ______.
a) did the wiping
b) did the washing
c) did the dusting
d) did the clearing
1) c, 2) d, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c.



1 creases adfbf37b33b2c1e375b9697e49eb1ec1     
(使…)起折痕,弄皱( crease的第三人称单数 ); (皮肤)皱起,使起皱纹
  • She smoothed the creases out of her skirt. 她把裙子上的皱褶弄平。
  • She ironed out all the creases in the shirt. 她熨平了衬衣上的所有皱褶。
2 flattening flattening     
n. 修平 动词flatten的现在分词
  • Flattening of the right atrial border is also seen in constrictive pericarditis. 右心房缘变平亦见于缩窄性心包炎。
  • He busied his fingers with flattening the leaves of the book. 他手指忙着抚平书页。
