1.stand somebody up 放某人鸽子 eg:I didnt mean to stand you up. 我不是故意放你鸽子的。 mean to do sth. 故意做某事 2. get stood up 被放鸽子 eg:Oh shi...
1. Youre asking the wrong person. 你问错人了。 2. Ive never given it much thought. 这事儿我从来没多想。 3. I dont think its any of my business. 我觉得...
3.Cat Fight 两个女人之间的打架
1. Cat Fight (fight between two women) 猫打架(两个女人之间的打架) Because women often scratch, claw, and yell when they fight, like cats do (thats t...
4.Cat Burlgar 入室偷盗
1. Cat Burlgar (skilled, sneaky burglar/thief) 入室偷盗(偷窃惯犯、入室偷盗的老手) A Cat Burglar is a thief or robber who robs somebodys home in a si...
5.Fat Cat 财势过人的人
1. Scaredy Cat/ Fraidy Cat (coward) 胆怯的猫(懦弱的人) A fraidy or scaredy cat is someone is afraid to do something. The y is a diminutive used by k...
6.Cat Got Your Tongue? 你的舌头被猫给吃了(吗)?
1. Cat Got Your Tongue? (say something!) 你的舌头被猫给吃了吗?(说点啥吧!) Its very common to say (Has a) Cat Got Your Tongue? when youre asking so...
7.dumb luck 发生了意想不到的好事
dumb作形容词有哑的、无声的意思。但dumb luck却与哑毫不相干,它是一种非正式用法,常用于口语中,指发生了意想不到的好事,尤指这事本不会发生。例如:It was ...
1. How are you doing today? 今天过得咋样? 简简单单的一句问候最是贴心,谁会拒绝一个笑脸相迎,嘘寒问暖的人呢? 2. Nice earrings! 耳环不错啊! 甭管是衣服...
1. 开口多说一句excuse me或者pardon me Pardon me, but can I speak to you privately for a moment? 不好意思,我能和你单独说两句吗? 2. Please挂在嘴边,礼...
1. Ive had all I can eat. 能吃的都吃了,再也吃不下了。 2. I couldnt eat another mouthful. 我吃不动了。 3. I can hardly move. 吃了太多,快挪不动了。 4....